Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Common Plants Toxic to Dogs

To us, they are pretty flowers or harmless vines - to your dog, they are the cause of a painful rash, depression, diarrhoea, vomiting.. or worse.

While there are certain breeds that are more prone to allergic reactions and skin irritations than others, (Staffords could basically walk on grass and their paws flare up!) these are some of the more common plants to watch out for and consider avoiding during your next garden makeover!



May cause vomiting, diarrhoea, depression, shortness of breath, collapse, coma and worse case - rapid death from cyanide toxicit


May cause vomiting, diarrhoea, depression, hyper salivation - the most toxic part being in the bulb - so particularly keep an eye out on those digging dogs!


Vomiting, disinterest in food and no urination (these can be the early signs of kidney failure), depression
(If you do like to keep lilies in the house, cut the pollen stems out before arranging in a vase, that way they won't drop making it less likely your dog will ingest)

LILIES - Cut the dark pollen stems before arranging in the home


If chewed or ingested, can cause significant irritation of the mouth leading to drooling, vomiting and difficulty swallowing


May induce significant gastrointestinal irritation - intense vomiting, drooling and diarrhoea. Heart rhythm abnormalities and seizures have also been known to cause death.


Similar to the cyclamen, gastrointestinal irritation (See above), loss of coordination, muscle tremors, shallow breathing, hypothermia and death from abnormal heart function.

Gastrointestinal irritation which cases drooling, diarrhoea, weakness, loss of coordination & depression. Severe poisoning could lead to coma and death from cardiovascular collapse.

Vomiting, diarrhoea, salivation & depression

Drooling, diarrhoea & vomiting, depression, loss of coordination, tremors and in severe cases, seizures.

Vomiting, drooling, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. 

Dermatitis manifesting as intense itchiness, rash or bump formation, weeping of the skin and scabs.
As this is a more of a contact skin allergy, the most common areas of irritation will be on exposed areas such as paws, abdomen, groin, anal area & scrotum.

Remember, these are just some of the more common plants that can be toxic to your dog. Like humans, there are many other sources of allergies and poisons within the home and yard (for example, weed sprays, insect bites, insect spray, cleaning products).
Always note any change in your dogs demeanour and health and if you're concerned, please contact your local vet straight away. 
Alternatively, there are a number of Animal Emergency Centres open 24/7. 
For your nearest AEC, visit